Knowledge Hub
Accessing resources associated with Living Wales
Living Wales provides significant capacity for learning about our environment and ecosystems and the important role of Earth observations. Here, we show you some of the opportunities that for learning at primary, secondary and tertiary levels as well as professional bodies and the third age. Living Earth resources are relevant globally and so you can view the learning material from different countries (e.g., Wales and Australia) and use within and between these.
From using the Welsh Data Cube to using Earthtrack
Find documentation, step-by-step instructions, and other published documentation, step-by-step instructions, and publications on Living Wales and Living Earth
Jupyter notebooks for data processing and analysis
The Jupyter Notebooks and Python tools in this repository are for analysing the archive of satellite data that have been processed to an Analysis Ready Data (ARD) format and the derived products. Includes are example case studies.
Keeping you informed of changes
Find out about the latest updates to Living Wales’ products and services, planned maintenance, and any outages that may occur.
Undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities
Aberystwyth University’s Masters in Remote Sensing and GIS is offering the course “ Living Earth: Past and Future Environmental Monitoring” from September 2024.
Short courses and training material
Living Wales is delivering short courses and developing training material and course to increase understanding of our changing environment and how Earth observations are making a difference.
Displaying Living Earth.
Living Wales has developed exhibitions material to encourage people to access and use the maps and tools developed through this initiative.